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Date: December 1, 2018 Category: ,


Marine Bacteria-Bio-Glycolipid is made by fermentation of marine bacteria. It is a natural biosurfactant (Emulsifiers), eco-friendly product and non-ionic surfactant. It has not skin irritation and the usage is one tenth compared to synthetic surfactants. It is appropriate to cosmetics for children, acne and sensitive type.


Items Specification
Appearance Liquid
Color Typical
Odor Transparent yellow ~ Brown
Total carbohydrate contents (㎍/ml) ≥ 200
Solubility Water soluble
Temperature stability  (℃ ) Below 100℃
pH 5.5-7.5
Heavy Metal
Lead (ppm) < 20
Arsenic (ppm) < 10
Mercury (ppm) < 1
Cadmium (ppm) < 5
Antimony (ppm) < 10
Microbes (cfu/ml) ≤ 100


Storage Information

Marine Bacteria_Bio-Glycolipid is stable until 24 months when stored in cool, dry, and well ventilated surroundings. Light protected, not above room temperature, in original and tightly sealed containers.

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