The Mongongo tree is native to the arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and the oil nuts are sustainably sourced from community co-operatives. The tree is strongly drought-resistant and able to survive the extreme temperature fl uctuations of the desert. The seeds are about 53% oil and the oil is very high in eleostearic acid. This acid makes up around 23% of the oil and it polymerises rapidly under UV light to form a protective fi lm on skin or hair. The oil is also high in linoleic acid (49%) bringing its total polyunsaturated fatty acid level up to around 73%. Mongongo oil is also high in total tocopherols – which make up 560mg/100g of seed and are responsible for the stability of the oil. A further unique feature is that the oil is high in natural zinc which is known to offer excellent protection from solar radiation. Mongongo oil is used in both skin and haircare.
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